
Don’t always believe what you see in this museum

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Not all museums are the same. Some feature historical artefacts and documents, while others, like the Museum Of Illusions Kuala Lumpur, have fun and interactive exhibits.

Located in Bukit Bintang, the museum has many “illusion” rooms, exhibits and installations that visitors can check out. The Tilted room, for example, is where everything is ... tilted! Some people may feel dizzy or nauseated after coming out of this room, so do take note of that.

The Vortex Tunnel, meanwhile, is where your mind really plays tricks on you. In this room, visitors are supposed to just walk or stand on a walkway but as the “tunnel” starts to spin, you will feel like you are the one who is spinning.

Another crowd favourite is the Reversed Room, where props are rotated 180° and you’ll end up looking like you’re the one standing upside-down in pictures. There’s also The Clone Table exhibit (where you can “see” another version of yourself), the Beuchet Chair, a chair that makes people who sit on it look small and/or very far away. The rooms and installations are not the only things here that will send you on a fascinating sensory journey. There are also lots of optical illusion images and paintings that are hung on the walls to make curious visitors even curiouser.

One of these images is the Following Eyes, where you will be tricked into thinking that you are constantly being watched...

If you need some assistance getting around the museum, or if you feel dizzy after checking out a particular exhibit, just reach out to any of the staff on standby, and they will accompany you.

This edutainment space is great for children as well as adults. For more information, check out their website (https://museumofillusions.my/exhibit/illusion-rooms/). Museum Of Illusions is one of the largest chains of private museums in the world, with over 40 museums globally.

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